173 research outputs found

    Room-Temperature Alternative to the Arbuzov Reaction: The Reductive Deoxygenation of Acyl Phosphonates

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    The reductive deoxygenation of acyl phosphonates using a Wolff−Kishner-like sequence is described. This transformation allows direct access to alkyl phosphonates from acyl phosphonates at room temperature. The method can be combined with acyl phosphonate synthesis into a one pot, four-step procedure for the conversion of carboxylic acids into alkyl phosphonates. The methodology works well for a variety of aliphatic acids and shows a functional group tolerance similar to that of other hydrazone-forming reactions

    Effects of Substituents on the Length of Central C(sp^3)-C(sp^3) Bond in Anthracene Photodimers and Related Molecules

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    Effects of substituents on the lengths of the central C–C single bond in the butterfly-shaped anthracene photodimers (1)–(7) and lepidopterenes (8) are studied. X-Ray analysis of the photodimer (10) of 9,10-difluoroanthracene gave a C(9)–C(10′) bond length of 1.631 (3)Å. An attempt to re-determine molecular structure of the photoisomer (5) of [2.2](9,10) anthracenophane (12) by neutron diffraction analysis is also reported [C(9)–C(10′): obs. 1.64(1), calc. 1.63(1)Å]. The D_2 structure that had been proposed for the minimum-energy conformation of (5) is questioned and the D_(2h) symmetric conformation is suggested on the basis of the diffraction results and MNDO calculations. The experimentally determined distances of the long central C–C bonds in these butterfly compounds including dianthronyl (9) are well reproduced by MNDO calculations with a standard deviation of 0.013 Å. Small but significant further elongation of the central C–C bond by up to 0.07 Å resulting from annulation of cyclobutane or cyclopentane ring in anthracene photodimers and from remote chlorine substitution in lepidopterene are interpreted in terms of the increased π→σ^* orbital interaction

    Functionally Important Aromatic–Aromatic and Sulfur−π Interactions in the D2 Dopamine Receptor

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    The recently published crystal structure of the D3 dopamine receptor shows a tightly packed region of aromatic residues on helices 5 and 6 in the space bridging the binding site and what is thought to be the origin of intracellular helical motion. This highly conserved region also makes contacts with residues on helix 3, and here we use double mutant cycle analysis and unnatural amino acid mutagenesis to probe the functional role of several residues in this region of the closely related D2 dopamine receptor. Of the eight mutant pairs examined, all show significant functional coupling (Ω > 2), with the largest coupling coefficients observed between residues on different helices, C3.36/W6.48, T3.37/S5.46, and F5.47/F6.52. Additionally, three aromatic residues examined, F5.47, Y5.48, and F5.51, show consistent trends upon progressive fluorination of the aromatic side chain. These trends are indicative of a functionally important electrostatic interaction with the face of the aromatic residue examined, which is likely attributed to aromatic–aromatic interactions between residues in this microdomain. We also propose that the previously determined fluorination trend at W6.48 is likely due to a sulfur−π interaction with the side chain of C3.36. We conclude that these residues form a tightly packed structural microdomain that connects helices 3, 5, and 6, thus forming a barrier that prevents dopamine from binding further toward the intracellular surface. Upon activation, these residues likely do not change their relative conformation, but rather act to translate agonist binding at the extracellular surface into the large intracellular movements that characterize receptor activation

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Pyrroloindolines as Positive Allosteric Modulators of the α1β2γ2 GABA_A Receptor

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    γ-Aminobutyric acid type A (GABA_A) receptors are key mediators of central inhibitory neurotransmission and have been implicated in several disorders of the central nervous system. Some positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of this receptor provide great therapeutic benefits to patients. However, adverse effects remain a challenge. Selective targeting of GABA_A receptors could mitigate this problem. Here, we describe the synthesis and functional evaluation of a novel series of pyrroloin-dolines that display significant modulation of the GABA_A receptor, acting as PAMs. We found that halogen incorporation at the C5 position greatly increased the PAM potency relative to the parent ligand, while substitutions at other positions generally decreased potency. Mutagenesis studies suggest that the binding site lies at the top of the transmembrane domain

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Pyrroloindolines as Positive Allosteric Modulators of the α1β2γ2 GABA_A Receptor

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    γ-Aminobutyric acid type A (GABA_A) receptors are key mediators of central inhibitory neurotransmission and have been implicated in several disorders of the central nervous system. Some positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of this receptor provide great therapeutic benefits to patients. However, adverse effects remain a challenge. Selective targeting of GABA_A receptors could mitigate this problem. Here, we describe the synthesis and functional evaluation of a novel series of pyrroloin-dolines that display significant modulation of the GABA_A receptor, acting as PAMs. We found that halogen incorporation at the C5 position greatly increased the PAM potency relative to the parent ligand, while substitutions at other positions generally decreased potency. Mutagenesis studies suggest that the binding site lies at the top of the transmembrane domain

    Caged Phosphoproteins

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    We present the chemical and biological synthesis of caged phosphoproteins using the in vitro nonsense codon suppression methodology. Specifically, phosphoamino acid analogues of serine, threonine, and tyrosine with a single photocleavable o-nitrophenylethyl caging group were synthesized as the amino acyl tRNA adducts for insertion into full-length proteins. For this purpose, a novel phosphitylating agent was developed. The successful incorporation of these bulky and charged amino acids into the α-subunit of the nicotinic acetyl choline receptor (nAChR) and the vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) using an in vitro translation system is reported

    Chemical-Scale Studies on the Role of a Conserved Aspartate in Preorganizing the Agonist Binding Site of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor

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    The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and related Cys-loop receptors are ligand-gated ion channels that mediate fast synaptic transmission throughout the central and peripheral nervous system. A highly conserved aspartate residue (D89) that is near the agonist binding site but does not directly contact the ligand plays a critical part in receptor function. Here we probe the role of D89 using unnatural amino acid mutagenesis coupled with electrophysiology. Homology modeling implicates several hydrogen bonds involving D89. We find that no single hydrogen bond is essential to proper receptor function. Apparently, the side chain of D89 establishes a redundant network of hydrogen bonds; these bonds preorganize the agonist binding site by positioning a critical tryptophan residue that directly contacts the ligand. Earlier studies of the D89N mutant led to the proposal that a negative charge at this position is essential for receptor function. However, we find that receptors with neutral side chains at position 89 can function well, if the side chain is less perturbing than the amide of asparagine (nitro or keto groups allow function) or if a compensating backbone mutation is introduced to relieve unfavorable electrostatics

    Image and information management system

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    A system and methods through which pictorial views of an object's configuration, arranged in a hierarchical fashion, are navigated by a person to establish a visual context within the configuration. The visual context is automatically translated by the system into a set of search parameters driving retrieval of structured data and content (images, documents, multimedia, etc.) associated with the specific context. The system places ''hot spots'', or actionable regions, on various portions of the pictorials representing the object. When a user interacts with an actionable region, a more detailed pictorial from the hierarchy is presented representing that portion of the object, along with real-time feedback in the form of a popup pane containing information about that region, and counts-by-type reflecting the number of items that are available within the system associated with the specific context and search filters established at that point in time
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